In Christ, we are already victorious. When we believe right, Holy Spirit will lead us into doing the right thing and the outcomes will surely be right! How often do we go back to the truth in this world that constantly engulf our faith in Christ?
Today, restore the 5 Solas (Only) of a believer. When you hold onto Sola Scriptura (Only Bible), Solus Christus (Only Christ), Sola Fide (Only Faith) , Sola Gratia (Only grace), and Soli Deo Gloria (All glory to God alone), victory is not an outcome but a state of our living. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. [Mt 16:25] Paradox it may seem, yet such is the power of Holy Spirit, and everyone who believes in Him will never be ashamed.
You are already victorious in Christ. Cling onto the right anchor point today!
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Check out the winning recipe!