Do you know what's the giant within you?
Do you know what's the giant that you're facing?
Lately, I was being reminded of a good movie I watched a few years back. It's a Christian movie (Same producer as Fireproof) which I will highly recommend to anyone.
I was reminded of this show because for 4 consecutive weeks, my church sermons have been heavily focussing on the matters of the Spirit and knowing the Giant within us.
Coincidentally, I am also facing a giant and there's a giant of fear come crushing down me lately. I tried dealing with the giant initially, but later I realized that I might not really know who's my giant...
How can one win a battle without knowing who's the enemy or the giant she's fighting against?
So I have to find the giant, and to really face the giant.
Oh yea, maybe I should share with you some quotes from the movie 'Facing the Giants' which touched me, and still do :)
When coach Grant Taylor trying to rebuild his football team, a conversation with his young captain:
Grant Taylor: No. Not if that's our main goal. Winning football games is too small a thing to live for. And I love football as much as anybody. But even championship trophies will collect dust and one day be forgotten. It's just that so far this has all been about us; how we can look good, how we can get the glory. The more I read this book, the more I realize that life's not about us. We're not here to get glory, make money, and die. The Bible says that God put us here for Him. To honour Him. Jesus said that the most important thing you can do with your life is to love God with everything you are, to love others and yourself. So if we win every game and we miss that, we've done nothing. Football then means nothing. So I'm here to present you a new team philosophy. I think that football is just one of the tools we use to honor God.
Brock Kelley: So you think that God does care about football?
Grant Taylor: I think He cares about your faith. He cares about where your heart is. And if you can live your faith out on the football field then yes, God cares about football because He cares about you. He sent His son Jesus to die for us so we could live for Him. That's why we're here. But see, it's not just on the football field; we've got to honor Him in our relationships, our respect for authority, in the classroom, and when you're at home alone surfing the internet. I want God to bless this team so much that people talk about what He did. But it means we got to give Him our best in every area. If we win, we praise Him. And if we loose, we praise Him. Either way, we honour Him with our actions and our attitudes. So I'm asking you: what are you living for? I've resolved to give God everything I've got. Then I'll leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you'll join me?
And one of my favorites:
Grant Taylor: God can do whatever He wants to do, however He wants to do it. And He chooses to work in our lives because He loves us. He's good. Hope today's a milestone for what He can do for the rest of your life if you trust Him.
Today, I felt ministered during prayer meeting when pastor read a scripture from 2 Corinthians, especially when it came to this verse:
"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". 2 Cor 4:16
Shouldn't fear the giant.
Everything is transient except Him, including the giant.

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