This is my retina. Nice or not? Hee.. you know what's retina? It contains millions of photoreceptors that capture light rays and convert them into electrical impulses. These impulses travel along the optic nerve to the brain where they are turned into images.
Yep so this is my retina. See the protruding vessels? This is an overstretched retina. You know, if your myopia increases, ur retina will stretch even more and it may break one day, if there's an impact right into your eyes, head, or if ur myopia just increases so rapidly.
If your short sightedness is above 600, you should take very good care of your eyes. The higher it is, the more likely you are prone to get eye-contracting blinding disease. And it is important to get a yearly eye-examination to check the condition of your retina. sometimes, the retina is a lil overstretched and it tears, or a hole appears, you must seek treatment immediately before your retina is completely torn apart. You could get a simple eye surgery and by using the laser to seal the hole, your retina will be safe, for awhile.
Oh ya, i happen to have floaters in my eyes at this very young age -_- but no worries, i will be fine. Oh ya, i really dislike this eye drop that they applied on my eyes. the stinging sensation and after that i just couldnt open my eyes, then your eyes will be enlarged for them to examine, and do everything. And it blurs the vision!
Anemia and Iron pills.
Mindy, i asked abt jogging, but i was advised not to jog -_- we shall do brisk walking huh? hee. No rugby, better not to study.. hee, how am i supposed to fill these empty slots ne?
What have i been doing these days? I think these 3 things ba:
Physical healing
Psychological healing
Spiritual healing
I will be ok de. :)
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