But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this
all-surpassing power is from God and
not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am getting MAD!

Suddenly, I feel that my life has been all about meeting DEADLINES recently. Everyday you know that you're doing something because the deadline is near. Do you feel the same too?

Submitted my final thesis last Monday. A mad rush for that, and when you think that it's all over, there was a test the next day. And just when you thought you could heave a sign of relief after the test, the email came right on that night giving you the latest deadline. And worse still, when you were living in self-denial telling yourself FYP is ALL OVER (cos you submitted the final thesis), the email brought you back to reality.

2 more phases before I reach the end of my FYP. Somehow, or you might have already known, I dread FYP much :( FYP is like a depressant, making you manifesting signs of depression: SIGECAPS:

S - sleep increase/ decrease
I - Interest loss in previously pressurable activities (anhedonia)
G - sense of guilt
E - Energy Low
C - Poor concentration
A - Appetite increase/ decrease (I guess weight gain is an issue now :( )
P - Psychomotor (well ocassional violence is inevitable :( )
S - Suicidal thoughts (thank God I haven't reached this stage!)

Sometimes you might also manifest psychotic symptoms while struggling with your FYP. Hallucinations about the end of FYP and hypermaniac upon mere submission of a final report are uncommon too.

Yeah, applying my pharmacotherapy knowledge now. Didn't apply it well during the test. Madness :( Wanted to do well for neurology diseases but i guess the outcome always correlates well with the effort you put in. Sometimes when you just have that little time (due to your self-denial) for 'doing nothing' and sitting in front of the tv, studying seems to be furthest in your mind.

Oh ya, the 2 main things left for my FYP are presentation and poster presentation. So now time is spent on designing a professional and good poster, as well as preparing for the actual presentation. Huhhuh.... count down with me to the end of FYP - 1st April 2009! In less than 2 weeks time I can bid farewell to all these things. Can't wait for D-day!

2 more tests. Hm... lately my sister and church friends keep asking me when's exams?
Sometimes i am not sure they're referring to tests or exams?
Sometimes i am weirder, I wonder what's exams when you have weekly tests and mad-rush of FYP ceaselessly for 1 year.

The mood is moving to the trough side lately.
Been thinking too much. I hope I can get senile soon hee.

Dad and mom are in Bali now. I wish I could be there with them!
Haven't been going out since the school started. I'm such an INTROVERT!!!

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