However, i did something more faithfully this week. From the start of the week till today, i have been making an effort to count my blessings everyday. You must be laughing at me right? Why hooiching so "zuo bo", not studying when i really should, instead i went to count my blessings. Hee. I also dunno why. Somehow, i felt that this is an important task that i should practise everyday. It helps me to focus on what i have, how God has been providing me all the necessary things i need in life, and how God is loving me through the people around me and circumstances. And after doing all these, i felt better. Really :)
Last Monday marked the last day of PK practicals. The last practical requires us to collect urine over 3 days to assay for drug disposition. You know, i especially love practicals this semester. This sem's practicals have been quite different to me. This sem's practicals draw me closer to more people, and i was also made realized that all along, God has placed a lot of angels beside me, and i really thank God for that. I really enjoyed every practical sessions this semester. Although the length of practicals have increased tremendously this sem, more tedious, but we are all drawn closer too. Can u believe it? We actually had an outing together last tuesday ! :) Thank you so much labbies :)
Here are some photos we took during our last practical.
meiqi, lin, me

Bench mates :)

We are all "Tays" :)
Lab outing at vivo :)
Oh ya, i watched "Step Up 2. The Streets" with lin, yq, and mindy. Haha actually i bugged them to watch with me, because i have been wanting to watch this show. Somehow, i've never missed a single dance movie before :) And this step up 2 is really nice! Totally amazing, and the street dances are so cool :) and i'm glad that they enjoyed the show too hee. :P
I have started joining the wed ssg group. This is one of my major decisions i guess. Even though i may not have tuition near church next time, but i still feel like joining the wed's ppl. In fact, i'm actually looking forward to knowing them better, because i like the joy permeates these ppl when they get together. I pray that i can continue to see God's love and guidances when mixing with them, and i know i will :)
Went dempsey hill for dinner with dav on thursday. This fella was very fickle-minded, and i'm glad that we shared a lot of stories over the dinner. I've never been to dempsey hill before, and it's really a nice place, with lots of high class restaurants. I won't wanna visit there anymore, too expensive for a dinner! Haha, this fella keeps talking abt girls and his love stories :P Glad that we are still good friends, and it's really God's plan that after all these years, we still understand each other as much, encouraging each other to pursue our dreams :) Keep walking in Christ :)
Friday, Good Friday. Important message in church, i slept for a bit :( However, God did not allow me to leave church empty-handed. Talked to Hui jun, and some other people in church. You know, i don't really know many people in my church. Despite that, i still like lingering in church, because it feels so warm and loving in that place. I feel Your love in church, more evidently. Oh, my little Joshua :) he's my favorite toddler :) muakz. sunshine boy :)
I have been you-tubing a lot lately. Watched till 3-4am :( I think it's time to reformat my lifestyle and priorities again. Youtubing is bad, tell me this the next time you see me k :) But i like that drama! haha, mindy knows it :P girls sia... simply love dreaming!
I spent half of my Saturday giving tuition. God, it feels really different this time. When the perception is right, everything becomes very blessed. I can see my student absorbing what have been taught, and i know that they will improve. I wanna give them my knowledge, and i seek God for wisdom when teaching them. This time, be a good tutor. A good tutor who sincerely wants the best for the students.
At night, i attended my hall DND with mindy, pc and her bf, denyse... it was at laguna country club. It was near tampines, and as the car drove past tampines ave 9, i saw the blue building... it strike a chord in my heart. But... God knows me.
DND was good, more importantly, this was my last time attending a hall DND, for i'll be moving out of hall next sem onwards. As we sat there, we realized that how phantom we've been these 2 years. But i felt alright, afterall, I made good friends during my stay in hall. It's really the greatest gift of my life to be able to know mindy, pc, denyse. Denyse is graduating, all the best gal :) pc finally found someone she really loves, someone who can make her stop wandering and be focused :) glad for you gal. And mindy, i have loads to tell you, your presence in hall, in school and in everything we do together... i love you :) I think i like my lantern dress, feels different to feel so puffy haha! i like the puffiness! puff puff puff!
phaik ching and me
mindy and me
pc, denyse, me, zongbo :)
And... give me your honest opinion...
How do i look in short hair?
Happy Easter :)
Today is a happy day. Perhaps is the chat with chiu fen. Perhaps is the message i received in church today. Perhaps is the change in my heart and the comfort that God gives. Perhaps perhaps perhaps.
我只要跟着指引 就够了
我的幸福 跟我身边的人的幸福 很有关系
我 就算错了
很错 错 错 了
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