But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this
all-surpassing power is from God and
not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sabbath day again. Of all the seven days in a week, Sunday is my favorite day. It's called the Sabbath day in the bible. I look forward to this very day because this is the day which i can again, immerse myself intensely in God's love, recharge myself, so that i can live again for another 7 days.

God's words give me peace and comfort. Sometimes, His words are like a therapy. Sometimes, when i see those little babies and toddlers playing ard the church, it's another therapy. Sometimes, when i realize that i am sitting in church listening to His words, it's also a therapy. A therapy that restores my heart, gives me strength, and courage.

We should live seven days and one day for each day. This is determined by God. I have a very high hope in our God. And each time after Sabbath day, my hope is restored again and again. Pastor said, if we receive rest on Sabbath day through Holy Spirit and His words, the worries for that week will worry on its own. No problem in our lives can go beyond the 7 days.

I am really thankful that God is leading me in this spiritual path. I believe that i will never grow, if He had not imposed the matter on me. As i am naked in front of God, similarly, i am also naked in front of Satan. He knows the matter closest to my heart, so is Satan. But i've finally discovered and experienced the difference. Satan uses the matter closest to my heart to toy me ard, create more suferings to me; but God uses the same matter to love me, to teach me, and to raise me up high. It's true God, no matter what hurts i had received, Your love is also most evident through these trials. When i am weakest, You brought me back to this small family church where i could hear Your voices clearly, feel Your love, be taken cared by my dearest pastor and group leader. If it weren't Your meticulous plan, i could not imagine where i will be today. If it weren't Your perfect guiding, I would have drown myself in sorrow and left this world. God was so far away from me. But after all these months, i could no longer forget You every single second of my life. I've never thought that i can go through the sea But like how You had opened the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites, You've also opened the Red sea for me.

Because of the depth and width of Your love, it gives me strength to love, to forgive, and to anticipate in You. Because i know although i am weak in others' eyes, i'm most pleasant in Your sight. Because i've experienced such intensity of love from You, i can never deny You or stray away anymore. You did a lot of things for me by using paradox, but i see what's embedded in all these paradox.

Your love gives me courage.

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