Hanwen and me sort of organized an AH gathering on friday. AH is the anglican high hostel where we used to stay while we were in TJC. Yeah, so since Huong, Lita and Eric have just moved into a new house, so we made them the host. Unfortunately... Eric is in London!!! And Lita had some family matters to attend to... so poor Huong has to take care of everything. :) Yeah. Basically me and han wen just prepared the food and made sure everything's okay. Nothing much to do also hee. But what i love most is the time spent together with hanwen that day. She came to my room very early in the morning, all the way from Sengkang you know~! Coincidentally, that day is the NUS Rag day, so i took the opportunity to bring her down to the SRC to watch the floats and the dances. Then... we stayed in my room for quite some time and you know why? She insisted that i should put on makeup before i went out. Haha! Luckily she was there to touchup a little here and there (in fact she practically painted the face for me la!) hee.. but i appreciate the skills you imparted to me :P
Do we look alike? :)

Not much difference yea? It's supposed to look natural and nice, hanwen said :P
Then we went to Orchard for a walk and happened to see Mc Cafe is offering the Frappe 1 for 1. And so....

After that, we went to find Huong at her workplace to get her house key and when we reached there, the deliverman was sleeping outside the house already :P
First time eating the golden pilow. Cool stuff. Actually it is just curry chicken in a giant bun but it's quite nice :)
Here are some photos.. all accompanied with laughters :)

Yu chii and me :) She is leaving to Beijing this coming september to continue with her Traditional Chinese Medicine course.. for 2YEARS!!!!! Hee. She was my first roomie when i entered Nanyang and we continued to stay quite close cos we went to jc together too :) It's quite sad that she's leaving but i am sure our hearts won't be too far apart :)
Oh ya, we watched the Olympics opening together!! It was so fun :D
Saturday was Singapore's National Day and to my amazement, i actually had a date. Geraldine and jovin asked me and jan out to watch fireworks together!!! Hee.. my jc buddies cum classmates :) Before that i actually met up with judy, mj and yiteng cos we mj jus came back from canada and we have not met for 1.5 months already!!!
Mj, me, judy
Mj, judy, yiteng and me :)
The fireworks photos are very nice!!! Unfortunately i don't have them with me now, it's with geraldine. It was our first time watching fireworks together and i like this idea :) the fireworks are beautiful.. it's really different to watch it LIVE!! And you know what, i bumped into phaik ching cos we dined in the same restaurant! :P
Jan, me, ger, jovin @ MOF
After the fireworks, we were too excited thus we decided to go for a drink. In fact, i realized i only drink with them and nobody else!! haha. We went to a fairly nice place in boat quay but i forgot what's the name of that pub. Pretty cozy and the drinks there are affordable eh! After talking for some time we decided to play cards. Then at the end of our games there's this entertainer came to our table and he knows mAgic!!! He played a few tricks with our cards and hee.. he's quite good!
jovin ordered hoegarden... and it's pretty BIG!!
Gosh, i'm so thankful to be able to meet up with them before my hectic FYP !!!
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