December is a holiday month, it's also a time which i will never lose out by having as many gatherings as possible. My first target was henry! He just got back from australia and we dined at Thai Express and MOF.. i was so happy to see him back, with so many sharings and yea, proud of you friend! God didn't waste your one year, it was so necessary for you to be who you are today, isn't it? :) Was quite disappointed that i couldn't join the class gathering because i have ssg, but nevermind, i'll organise one myself, soon i hope :)
Next was Adrienne and Zhiming's big FAT wedding! Was so honored to help out at the reception and little here and there. The wedding was very very beautiful and i was so immersed in the blissfulness surrounding them on that day. wuhoo! I think the food was quite good too, next time if you're holding a wedding, go to Grand Copthorne Warterfront Hotel - Nice ambience, nice food, and nice hospitality!
Had COT gathering last wednesday. Was quite sad that not all were able to make it, but for the people who came, i was glad that the night was joyously spent. Agree? :) Hee let's go pitstop cafe on xmas zee!!! haha.. i always love COT. i hope COT loves COT too, they are one of the few groups of friends i have left, of which i cherish more too.
Yiteng is going to ANU for SEP next semester. DANIEL! you better take care of her k? Bring her around and make her nice food ah. Hee, i hope to go australia for my grad trip yea... please pray that it'll work out this time round hee. :)
A picture speaks a thousand words :)

I'll be going home soon!! Whee so happy... it's time to spend some time with my family, best friend, and my best friend's wedding :)
Goodnight :)
hooi ching, is steph married?
meiwen, yeps :)
just attended the wedding last sunday. :)
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