I feel that i have a pure heart that longs to follow God
I feel that God has made my heart whiter than the snow
You know what? i really think i am a simple and pure girl, and i think that makes me unique and beautiful in the eyes of a lot of people.
I have a heart that yearns for God's words, a heart that wants to grow stronger in Christ.
I have a heart that always leads me into doing the things that i think it is right, eventhough it might seem silly.
I have a heart that longs to make my friends happy , because they told me that they love to see me smile.
I have a heart that longs to love my parents, not only because it is God's first commandment that we have to honour our parents, but also because their love is unconditional, and my parents have sacrificed so much because they love us.
I have a heart that tells me that i want to be in health care to save people, and now i am finally on the way to accomplish this dream of mine. You know, i have been thinking about this ever since i was in primary 1.
I have a heart that is so pure that sometimes i will take things in the less complicated way, and view things in the simplest manner. Some laughed at me for being so simple-minded, but that makes them happy and i guess that's enough.
And i have a heart that is undivided and pure when i love a man whom i really want to be with, even though i am being hurt by the words and empty promises many times, but seeing the smiles and silly laughters on his face, the memories that we have shared, make the hurt worthwhile.
Someone tells me that i should be more focussed on going after my ambitions and goals.
I am.
Not that i am not pursuing my dream, it's just that you don't know what are they.
I do not want loads of money in my life, because i know i will always have enough. My dream can only accomplished when i really become a pharmacist. My dream is to be a good pharmacist and help as many people as i could, through my profession and through God. My goal is to live a meaningful life that the people ard me will feel loved and cared for.I just want to be genuine to myself, and others. I do not want to earn big bucks and drive big car.Cos that's not important to me at all.
I am working hard towards these goals, these are simple goals i know, but they could be hard to attain. But i will work towards them. I am getting closer to my family, the friends ard me, and i know my pharmacy stuff well. Most importantly i still serve my Lord well and i rely on Him,not myself. I know i will work in a hospital in future, and by then i can deal with many people, interact with many patients.And i really am looking forward to it, cos i will be happier. One day, if an epidermic break out, if a disease is beyond control, i know i will be one of the person staying behind the locked hospital doing the best i could to save the patients.
That day the lecturer said, if there's another SARS-like disease break out,and nobody knows how to cure it, the hospital has to be locked up and the healthcare members have to choose to stay or leave. i think i will stay. I may die, but i think if this is the last chapter of my story, it is indeed a happy ending. because when i meet Jesus in heaven, i will tell Him that i have completed this journey, and it has been a beautiful journey.
That's why i put my blog name as "purity". And i choose a white template. I simply love them. Hooi ching really does not want to be a complicated girl, let me stay as pure as i can be.