Hello world :)
Embrace the Rain.
So many times people approach us and tell us how strong we are... how brave we must be to take on all that we have, I never really thought we were brave, and most of the time we are not strong. What options do we have? We could either wallow in the heartache or we can praise Him through the storms.
Christ took on so much more than we could ever imagine. He never promised us that this life would be easy. He never promised that we would never experience pain or heartache.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I feel Him gently nudge me and quietly say "I am still here." If I let Him, He will guide my footsteps and guard my heart. So I choose to face my days with hope. I know that in every circumstance in my life, He is already there."
"If you are going back to interchange, take either bus 800 on this side or 804 on the opposite side of the road"
This is what the Lord says:Let not the wise man boast of his wisdomor the strong man boast of his strengthor the rich man boast of his riches,but let him boast about this:that he understands and knows me,that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness,justice and righteousness on earth,for in these I delight,"declares the Lord.- Jeremiah 9:23-24-
I really cannot take it anymore. This week has been over-eventful.
Why things have to turn out this way? Why things with good intention will be interpreted as risk and harm?
I really don’t care about what people will think of me. I really did it with good intention.
But it feels so darn awful when things get shot back in the most unexpected manner, and it’s no longer about whether you care what others think of you. Because YOU is now an understatement. It’s the identity you carry along with your name that’s involved now.
I feel really upset God L
I know I shouldn't but I really feel more awful when such things happen, You didn’t leave me alone, neither is Your grace. You once again has proven to me that I am in the right place where You can make me stronger. My heart is wounded, self-esteem crushed, confidence plunged to the bottomless pit - yet the team backed me up as if there's tonnes of spirit backing them up too. The bitter and sweet taste. And warmth.
Thank you for the thoughtful voice.
Thank you for the angry voice scolding me that you'll slap me if I really shed a tear for that matter or person.
Yet when strings of things come to me one after another, is it really not me?
And if it’s me, what could I have done better?
God have you planned all these before hand? If you haven’t then why I have to leave this country at this point of time?
God, if you could, can You ensure that I won’t get into situations that can terrorize people again?I am sufficiently frightened.
Hello world, how have you been?
Truthfully, things have not been that good for me in the past 2 weeks. Just wondering, do you find it harder to find God’s grace in the midst of trials or when your life is “smooth-sailing” and monotonously stable?
Anyways, this is already my 3rd week as an inpatient pharmacist. Today while I was taking train home, I was quite astonished to see my reflection on the MRT train windows. Such a haggard me. Suddenly, I feel as if I’ve blend into the working world. I used to think that I’m different from the other working adults who have been working for years, BUT I realized that I was wrong, I look exactly like any of them, and I dislike it.
Since last week, my ward load has increased from 1 to 2. I have been handling 2 wards and just yesterday, I hit the highest number of beds. Just to put things in perspective, there is no correlation between the number of beds I am handling with the competency or what so ever. It is just natural for inpatient pharmacist to handle an average of 2 wards.
But I think I have not been handling my life well. Last Friday, a sister in my fellowship group shared something that happened in her life lately and a statement she made then really brought me back to reality. She said “when the spirit is right, everything will become just so right”. I guess I am just experiencing the absolute opposite of this statement, that is when the spirit is not right, everything will become so wrong.
Things have been so wrong lately. I don’t know why. Guess which pharmacist had to report 2 e-HOR in 3 weeks? ME! Yeaps, 2 medication-related errors happened in my ward these 2 weeks and even though I wasn’t the one doing it, I am the one who has to face the score when such things happen because I am the ward pharmacist. Actually I didn’t feel things were so wrong even when the e-HOR took place, because I know that errors happened and one happened during a public holidays when the discharges at the main pharmacy was like horribly enormous; and another one happened just to remind us to be more alert to the multiple strengths medication in the pharmacy. Didn’t blame anyone, just that, I am so wow-ed by the frequency of such things.
And I also don’t know why, I seem to have an intrinsic mechanism that attracts all the weird cases to my wards. One Bangladesh patient came in because of fits and it was found that there’s worms in his brain. Rare case for AH but I got it man. Bought in the medicine for him because AH doesn’t keep so many of such medication and in the end, before he’s even completely healed, the employer wanted him to be discharged because of the bills. It took me a couple of phone calls just to persuade the employer to agree to pay for the treatment for this patient and to come down to collect the medicine. Not cheap I have to acknowledge, but it’s necessary. At least he’s willing to buy 2 weeks supply of the medicine, instead of 1 month as prescribed by the doctors.
One day, suddenly I received a call from the ward saying my consultant wanted to PERSONALLY administer IV tensilon to this patient. Tensilon is a medicine used to diagnose myasthenia gravis. It’s an exemption drug, ie not registered in Singapore, hence no hospitals will stock up this item in their pharmacies.. We only kept 1 vial but it was used up the day before, for the same patient -_- SO SO wasted. Wilson helped me to call TTSH, SGH, NUH – ALL of them had 0 stock. I was darn panic that morning, I shouldn’t be. L
Another case - patient needed midodrine for orthostatic hypotension. Again, this is not a usual drug and hence we don’t keep in AH. Oh, first time in my life to come across EBA –Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita also.
Imagine doing all these and reviewing the patients in your wards at the same time. It is so so difficult L It shouldn’t be, if I have time. But it seems like everyday I get to encounter this kinda weird weird stuff and at the end of each day, I really get a real big mental block.
Many times, it felt as if the weight of the whole world is on me. I have been asking myself, why am I so jaded these days? Why do I always look so tired and I seem to have lost the joy that I used to enjoy?
And it’s until Friday that I realized why I am the way I am.
You know, the spirit is not right from the beginning. I have been handling things myself and my mind has always been running too quickly, or trying to think about solutions or how to carry my points to this doctor or that doctor. Things have not been mad. But the severity of the un-mad things has been magnified when the spirit is wrong.
I have been so occupied with things that I forget that He is with me and I can draw strength and wisdom from Him. And why do I have to make myself so tired and worried when He is the one in control and things have not been bad for me, not in the past, not now, and it won’t be in future. The only thing that’s changed is the intensity and frequency of matters that I have to deal with – seems to have increased. But I realized that actually, I don’t need God to give me wisdom to handle them.
Above all these, I really need to seek God and have the right Spirit first before I even start thinking about the problems/ situations. Why is it so hard fix my eyes on the unchanging ONE when I am surrounded with so many things that are changing?