The most common religion here is Christianity and I’ve already seen many churches throughout my stay here. Many churches retained the fine stone characteristic from the early day of settlement, while many Lutheran Churches on Adelaide Hills still kept the architectural styles that reflect the German culture of the first settlers.
All in all, I’m fascinated by the buildings, the heritage, and God.
During my visit to Adelaide Hill today, I was very excited when I saw the Lutheran church. It was as if I saw glimpse of light in the tunnel, for I am walking on a long tunnel and ‘keep walking’ is my only goal at this point of time. Perhaps it’s because I was praying hardly the whole day for just one thing He would like me to remember regardless of the prevailing conditions AND then I saw this --
‘Clouds of testings can bring showers of blessing’
Right outside the historical church.
And I quiet myself for a few seconds before the cross, and I told myself – Yea, I know this all along, and I know it’s true for I have had so many stories with God that always point to this very fact that God has never wasted a single second of my life, even at times of difficulties.
Suddenly, the cloud of testing right now does not seem that bad.... for I know the blessing that is waiting for me at the end of the tunnel is definitely 7x better than how I used to be.
No more fear, for God’s love drives out all fear...
Some snapshots of Adelaide:
Al Fresco Lasagne
Central Market
Adelaide hill
Doesn't this seem like a fairy tale?
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